You’ve got a pump that’s rebuilt. You’ve got good lines on there. You know that everything’s done up tight.
So, when we pressurize this again. Again, will check all fittings are nice and secure and there’s no leaks.
If you see a weep, don’t try and do it up with pressure on the pump. You’ll go back and release the air from the air motor. Release the pressure from the pump. Tighten any of
fittings up that are loose and then reinstate the pressure back in the lines.
If you try and do them up with pressure on there, what can eventuate is that you’ll strip the thread from the excessive pressure.
The fitting can come off and that’ll lunged you with the spray of whatever’s in the pump, be it solvent or paint. Either one. It’s not something you want to expose yourself to.
So, ultimately, you’ll release the pressure before doing any of these types of fittings up