Superior know how


Choosing the Correct Size Dust Collector for Your Job

Choosing the correct Dust Collector for your job is important. Dust Collectors are used to collect impurities from the air and improve the air quality. They not only help ensure workers safety, but also help make sure companies are following regulations and job site codes.


Having a Dust Collector to circulate the air and protect the workers on site is a requirement. A blast helmet can only do so much, so that extra air flow is key for safety.


  • Horizontal air movement (non-hazardous dust): 80 ft/minute
  • Horizontal air movement (hazardous dust): 100 ft/minute

The way you calculate the Dust Collector size you need for the job, you multiply the cross-section area by the required air speed.

For example:

To calculate the correct size Dust Collector needed for non-hazardous dust in a 10 ft by 10 ft site, you would need an 8000cfm Dust Collector (10 ft x 10 ft x 80 ft = 8000cfm).

In a 10 ft by 10 ft hazardous dust site, you would need a 10,000cfm Dust Collector (10 ft x 10 ft x 100 ft – 10,000cfm).