

Introduction to Mobile Dust Collectors and the Drive Engine

BlastOne’s Master Technician, Kerry Cooper, introduces mobile dust collectors and the drive engine


40,000 CFM dust collector. Quite a big unit as you can see. A little bit involved with this one as far as WHNS is concerned. Set up where I put it, what its footprint is, how do I procreate the ducting in relation to the dust that I wish to extract from the area.

40,000 CFM. It’s a massive amount of air. So, to will appropriate the massive amount of air, you need quite a large unit to facilitate that withdrawal of air. So, the volume of air that passes through this particular machine is quite extensive.

To facilitate that, you’ve got quite a few controls here that you’ll have to monitor during the course of the day. So, to just start off, we’ve got a drive motor, which is housed within the back of this.

So, in relation to its operation, you have a standard operational procedure. You have a robot operational manual. The manual relates to all the wets that you have to check.

What are the wets? Oils, you have to do your fundamental checks for battery moist, and water for radiator. All of those things and of course, there’s a service tag that’s always on these that you need to comply with.

So, say for example, the engine requires servicing. It’s I’d say 400 hours. You have to make sure that you are on top of that and say, okay then, this engine is coming up for service and ensure that all of these things are done in appropriation to its longevity. So, the engine itself. Do I need this open while I’m running the machine? Absolutely not! Open the cage. Have a look.

Make sure that there are no leaks. So, we check for diesel leaks, filter leaks. We check our oil during the course of the day and of course, we check the water in the radiator to make sure that that’s appropriate for the day.

It gives you the opportunity, with the lid open, to check for hose leaks. Anything to shave during the course of the day. If there is a problem, easily rectified yourself, it’s all good.

If you don’t know how to rectify it, of course, your ring Blastone and say, “listen guys, I have a question in relation to a shaved hose or whatever” and the guys he will help you out in regard to that.

There’s also a box at the end of the main drive engine, an intermediate section, which is called a twin disc unit. So, the twin disc is, basically, just a clutch. What it does is, it enacts direct drive. So, when the engine is running, the twin disk engages your pulley or drive belt for the fan that draws all this massive amount of air through.

So, the belts on it are quite substantial. As you can see, everything’s guarded properly. So, when you put the hood back down, you can see that the guards here have been appropriated in such a manner, you can’t put your hands near it. It’s not something that should be just left, operate it, turned on and just left. There are monitoring aspects of it during the course of the day, so drive engine and we’ve got a control box here.

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