Portable Onsite Dehumidification Systems


Every BlastOne dehumidifier has the following features:

  • Unit-mounted filters, options include:
    • 10% permanent washable 2″ thick industrial
    • 30% 2″ (standard) pleated throw away
    • 55% to 65% 4″ cartridge throw away
    • 99.97% HEPA 12″ cartridge
  • G-90 16-gage galvanized double-wall construction with insulation
  • Direct-fired natural-gas, electric or propane reactivation systems
  • Cooling coil and heating coil options
  • Skid or trailer mounted
  • Full protective enclosure
  • Integrated control system with 10-point operational function display
  • Shipping covers for all inlets and outlets
  • Packaged refrigeration system options
  • Packaged generator system options


During abrasive blasting and immediately after, the relative humidity is a critical factor, as the substrate surface becomes vulnerable to corrosion such as flash rusting. The electrolyte in atmospheric corrosion is usually the water in the air. Introducing dehumidified air into an enclosed work area will reduce the RH significantly. If the humidity is reduced to below 50% RH, you can effectively ‘hold the blast’ on uncoated, blasted steel for days â€â€� sometimes weeks! This typically will have a huge impact on a production cycle â€â€� imagine being able to blast non-stop for a week before having to stop, clean up and paint!

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Item Size

13,500 cfm, 2,400 cfm, 6,000 cfm


Intro to Dehumidification Equipment

Dehumidification Operation Principle

Dehumidification Operation

Dehumidification Electric Power Requirements

Dehumidification Control Panel

Dehumidification Ducting Requirements and Airflow PT-1

Dehumidification Ducting Requirements and Airflow PT-2

Dehumidification Airflow Adjustment While Operating

Dehumidification Start-Up and Set-Up Procedures

Dehumidification Start-Up Procedure Tips

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