Superior know how


How Surface Profile Compares to Class of Blast

Both are important for surface preparation but what is the difference? Sometimes ask customers what surface profile they need, and we often get the response of, “we need a near white finish,” but, that is actually the class of blast.

Each having an important role in the process of surface preparation, it is necessary to know the difference between The Surface Profile and The Class of Blast.


Think of the letter P in Profile, to remember what the Profile is, remember that it is the Anchor Pattern or the Peak Height.
It is the same for the Class of Blast. C for Class and for Cleanliness, Color, and Contaminant.
On a high spec project, both Surface Profile and the Class of Blast will be specified. Specs will decide how many mils or microns are required of the Surface Profile and the standard required from the Class of Blast for the project to be successful.

Easy ways to identify the Class of Blast that you are working with:

  1. The BlastOne Surface Preparation Guide is a great tool to use to find your Class of Blast. It is an easy little booklet that has all the colors shown as samples. You hold it up to the steel surface and can compare the colors to quickly find the Class you are working with.
  2. The Surface Preparation Guide Wall Chart that can also be found in the back of the catalog, is an easy way to see the Class of Blast. Just hang it on the side of the tank or anywhere near your Blast Room for easy access.