Superior know how


Non-Slip Coatings Applications: How, When, How Much


Finishing our refresher on non-slip coatings, Graeme shares his experience of having personally been involved in the application of non-slip granules hundreds of times over the course of his career.  Just in case you missed Video #1 here is the link.

When To Spread The Grains

  • Our first principle is we need the grain to sit in wet coating
  • We always recommend granules go into the second coating (seal the surface first)
  • Always apply a third coat to encapsulate and lock in the grains
Substrate diagram non-slip granules

How To Spread The Grains

  • Small Areas – use a handheld bucket and simply toss the grains into the air onto the surface as you would if you were tossing feed to chickens (or pigeons)
  • Large Areas – use a texture/hopper gun
  • Even Larger Areas – use a blast pot
needed tools

Coating Selections

  • First Coat – The seal coat does not matter as long as it meets the specification.
  • Second Coat – This coating is very important. It must stay wet long enough for the grains to sink into it. For this coating we’re looking for very high solids that are relatively slow drying.
    • Note: If you cannot afford a lengthy downtime on the area be treated, you will need to apply the coatings and granules in smaller batches to allow the requisite need for the grains to sink into and absorb the coating.
  • Top Coat – according to specifications.

How Much Media Is Required

  • Light Broadcasts:
    • 1000 ft2… 2-4 (55lb) bags
    • 100 m2… 2-4 (25kg) bags
  • Impact Resistant Surfaces – we cannot give an exact number because there are instances varying in their specifications. A good rule of thumb is approximately 10x what you’d use for light broadcasts.
    • Note: We recommend you do a small sample of the area and have that spec signed off by the client to make sure you’re delivering to their expectations.