Home » Revamping Water Treatment Carbon Steel Pipelines

Revamping Water Treatment Carbon Steel Pipelines

Lafayette, LA

The Lafayette Utilities Systems (LUS) water treatment facility faced a common but critical challenge: the deterioration of its filter gallery pipelines due to persistent rust, corrosion, and the breakdown of existing coatings. To address these issues head-on, LUS crafted a comprehensive restoration strategy focused on reviving the integrity of the carbon steel pipelines. Central to this strategy was the meticulous preparation of the pipe surfaces to ensure an optimal foundation for applying a new protective coating. The project’s specifications varied, with certain sections requiring near white metal blast cleaning while others needed commercial grade cleaning, based on the extent of corrosion and rust present.

In seeking an effective solution for this vital surface preparation phase, LUS opted for Sponge-Jet’s Silver 30 Sponge™ Media. This choice underscored their commitment to leveraging sustainable, high-efficiency, and cost-effective methods over traditional, more environmentally taxing abrasive techniques like coal slag. This approach not only aligned with the plant’s operational efficiency goals but also reflected a broader commitment to environmental stewardship within the utilities management sector.



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